Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Description of final work

This artwork intends to explore the concept of underprivileged children. Every new-born child is as precious as each other as gifts from god. However the living condition that they face when being born make their lives very different from each other. This artpiece hopes to use the contrast between the precious new-born babies and underprivileged children to arouse people's sympathy for the unfortunates kids and call for action from people to help them .

Sunday, September 18, 2011

千岛湖 Thousand island lake in Zhejiang ,China

These are some photoes of the lake being psed by me:)
I reduced the contrast between colours and increased brightness and added some adjusted the overall hue of the pictures. I feel in this way the otherwise ordinary scenery can have a more senere feel and heavenly like beautifulness. The pink hue in no. 2 and 3 make the picture seem like to be taken during sunset,making it more poetic.
I especially like the second one as the photoshop filter effect makes it seem to be in rainy days when the scenery just blures and leaves viewers with a touch of poetic feeling.

Scattering in the artificial lake of Xin An Jiang Reservoir in Zhejiang, Qiandao Lake is one of the famous tourist attractions in Zhejiang travel. The covering area of Xin An Jiang Reservoir is so huge that Qiandao Lake has earned the reputation of numerous islands in China Tourism. Generally, Qiandao Lake means “one thousand islands” and Xin An Jiang Reservoir actually gathers 1,078 small and large islands. The spectacular scenery always attracts worldwide tourists to travel in Zhejiang and Qiandao Lake is also praised for the best and purest water in China.

romantic setting of Reed & Rape flower

The autumn sky is blue and clear,
Out in wild fields reeds stretch.
Birdcalls fade in thin branches,
Rivers silently gather fallen leaves.

Rape flower gives one a sense of harvest as its yellow colour is so bright and cheering.It reminds me of carefree childhood when i ran among the flowers with laughter and joy. But those days are far from me now.

I feel picture which is faded and blurred gives one a feeling of something fading away, like memory that is slowly blurring in our mind as time passes by. Therefore it gives one a nostalgic feel and a bit of sadness as it shows the beautiful memories of the past is getting more and more far away from us.

 These are two photos that i took in my hometown. It would be so beautiful to take photos in such a setting :)Like the girl below.

romantic paper rose

Another attempt to do a paper rose :)
I photoshoped it to make it seem more romantic.
The highlights and the increased brightness acted as a great contrast to the shadows at the rim of the picture, this creates a feel of a candle lighting up the flower ,thus all the areas except the flower is dim in the room.
It is only the rose that is the most outstaning one, the sole one under the light.
The filter effect makes it seem like shining under light, thus making it more romantic.

     Lies the seed that with the sun's loves in the spring
  Becomes the rose same say love it is a river that
  Drowns the tender reed some say love it is a razor
  That leaves your soul to bleed some say love it is

a paper bowknot

This is a paper bowknot that i learnt to make from some website. 
It caught my eyes as it look so interesting :)
It was a great challenge for me to do it as i always cut the wrong part >_< After wasting 5 pieces of paper ,i finally made it :)

A birthday card for my friend

This is going to be a birthday card for my friend :) I am going to write something in the center.

Monday, September 12, 2011

An inspiring poster

This is a delicate and beautiful poster which acts as a propaganda for Jeju island in korea. It is a unique poster about scenic spot as it does not only use real scenery to attract people but computer art combined with photography. The scenery looks serene while the computer art gives it romantic touch with its flowing lines and all the music ,love and attractions. Its overall tone which is purple ad blue gives the tourist attraction a mystery feel thus acts as a stronger magnet to attract tourists.