Sunday, September 18, 2011

romantic setting of Reed & Rape flower

The autumn sky is blue and clear,
Out in wild fields reeds stretch.
Birdcalls fade in thin branches,
Rivers silently gather fallen leaves.

Rape flower gives one a sense of harvest as its yellow colour is so bright and cheering.It reminds me of carefree childhood when i ran among the flowers with laughter and joy. But those days are far from me now.

I feel picture which is faded and blurred gives one a feeling of something fading away, like memory that is slowly blurring in our mind as time passes by. Therefore it gives one a nostalgic feel and a bit of sadness as it shows the beautiful memories of the past is getting more and more far away from us.

 These are two photos that i took in my hometown. It would be so beautiful to take photos in such a setting :)Like the girl below.

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