My chosen topic is "barrier".Therefore firstly i started from exploring things that can be under the concept of barrier.There are physical barriers and spiritual barriers.
medium: pencil and watercolor |
Thus i did portrayals of several physical barriers, including roadblock, well,stone and wall.A prison can also be a barrier which stops prisoners from going free.
medium:watercolor |
I found that emotional and physical barriers can be combined in the case of prisoners .For them ,jail is a physical barrier and it is also an emotional barrier which deprived them of love and family.Thus, i wanted to explore how it could be like if a person is trapped in jail.I searched for pictures and I also tried to pose by myself to capture the postures of prisoners who wanted to break free from jail.I wanted to stress the pain and desperation the prisoners felt when the bars became a barrier between them and freedom .
medium:pencil and watercolor |
I then explore the facial expression of prisoners.To show the agony of the prisoner, I tried to explorethe facial expression which people have when they feel painful or desperate.
I also explored how it would be like to tear a paper as shown on the right side of the work so that i could use it as a separating line between contrasting images. |
Next, i wanted to explore the contrast between prisoners and happy family life they enjoyed before going to jail.Thus i portrayed several family scenes. |
To emphasize the contrast,i decided to add in some toys played by children in their childhood. Such image would help to illustrate the agony that the prisoner have since the toys remind her of the happy time she had before going to jail. |
final work medium:acrylic paint
This shows the contrast between the life of a prisoner when she is in jail and before she got in .I made use of contrasting colors and i put words like loneliness,hatred,tear between the torn paper to show the feelings of the child left behind by the woman. |